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Touring the Streets of Jerusalem - Together

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Moshe Hess Street

Turning off busy King David Street we enter the surprisingly quiet, and mostly residential Moshe Hess Street.

Looking back, we can see the David’s Citadel Hotel and some of the massive construction going on in this area.

Below is the office of the JCC Association.

You probably best know them for their Ben Yehuda Mall Street Fairs – where they brought Ben Yehuda storeowners (and their products) to different US cities to help them when their businesses were faltering on Ben Yehuda Street due to terrorism.

It’s a nice looking building.

Further along, Hess St. meets up with the back end of the YMCA.

Someone creatively painted a castle door on (the door in) the wall that surrounds what was once a YMCA (track?) field, and now soon to be private residential housing.


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